What is Digital Marketing?

digital marketing

Digital Marketing is any marketing that we do digitally(using electronic devices) to increase brand/product awareness and convey promotional messaging. But hey, what’s the purpose of doing it digitally? The answer is its reach and impact and the good thing is that both are measurable. Return on investment (ROI) is optimum in online or digital marketing. Your organization can have a more coherent, customer-centric approach that meets your target audience where they are through digital marketing initiatives.

You must be wondering, how it works or how we can do it! There are certain assets through which we can promote our messaging or say market our products/brands. For example; Social Media Profiles, Websites, Images and Video Content, Blog Posts and eBooks, Reviews and Customer Testimonials, Branded Logos, or Icons, etc.

Age is no bar these days because screen time is at an all-time high for many people. Digital marketing takes advantage of this reality, promoting business products and services across the internet by targeting customers where they spend most of their time.

Elements of Digital Marketing

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – The word itself says it all, ‘Optimization’ means to make the best or most effective use of a resource. Here, it refers to the system of improving ranking within search engines to increase online traffic.
  2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – SEM leverages paid online advertising to increase website visibility within search engines. SEM is often used in synchrony with SEO.
  3. Content Marketing – Attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience through content to drive profitable customer action is known as Content Marketing.
  4. Social Media Marketing – SMM uses social media channels to promote businesses, products, or services.
  5. Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate marketing is almost like traditional network marketing where a person (affiliate), markets a product/business within a common network through various digital mediums. Hence, sharing revenue and getting pay-per-sale (PPS) compensation.
  6. Email Marketing – When businesses send branded, promotional content directly to prospective customers via email, it is called email marketing.
  7. Sponsored Content – When a brand spends some money to get some content in front of you, that’s called Sponsored Content.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is all about ranking your content or website higher on any search engine. For example, if someone searches for “white sauce pasta”, they’re likely looking for a recipe, ingredients, and instructions on how to make it or maybe to order it. If you are a food blogger, you will want the audience to engage with your content. For this to happen, you need to rank yourself higher or on top of your competitors on the search engine.

All of it depends on Keyword Research and Selection because SEO is organic and not paid. The quantity and quality of targeted traffic to your website increase through organic search engine results by implementing SEO.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Unlike SEO, it is a paid search marketing. Businesses pay search engines to appear in search results or on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM is a paid strategy to gain visibility on search engines. It is also known as PPC. Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing is an online method for advertising where a business only pays for its ads when a person clicks on them. It is a type of display ad marketing where users search for specific terms that the advertiser is running ads against; they will see a custom ad, usually at the top of the SERPs.

Content Marketing

It is all about storytelling and creating engaging pieces. Content marketing is the practice of publishing and distributing text, video or audio materials to customers online. Blogs, videos and podcasts are common ways for businesses to engage their TG(Target Group) and start building connections.

Social Media Marketing

If you don’t have a website for your business, you can promote it through various Social Media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. However, it’s always suggested and good to have a website. To drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and generate leads for your business you need to promote your brand and your content on social media channels. The use of social media influencers which are also known as influencer marketing is common in SMM.

Affiliate Marketing

It is performance-based marketing. Affiliate marketing is a popular strategy to drive sales and generate significant online revenue, beneficial to both brands and affiliate marketers. In this, affiliate marketers earn a commission by recommending your product to others. Your affiliates may drive sales through SEO, PPC, Video Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.

Email Marketing

It is almost like sending crisp content through emails. This depends on the contacts who have signed up to your email list and given permission to receive email communications from you. These contacts are called ‘email subscribers’. When businesses send a promotional/commercial email message to their ‘email subscribers’ it is called email marketing. One of the most important things to keep in mind is ‘not to spam’ your subscribers. Mass mailings are a big NO NO these days. Three things are imperative in modern email marketing: consent, segmentation, and personalization.

Pro tip: In email marketing, the subject line of emails plays a major role. Make your subject line enticing and relevant.

Sponsored Content

In this, content is not produced by the brand, however, they put money to get their brands/products featured in some other content. Basically, incorporating the brand in any relevant content. Following are phrases through which you can easily know that it’s a sponsored content: Promoted, Partnered with, Affiliated with, Powered by, Sponsored by, Paid post, Presented by, etc.

How can you grow your business through Digital Marketing?

By establishing a presence online and implementing digital marketing, you can grow your business rapidly. That’s where KPAC Marketing comes into the picture. At KPAC, we believe businesses need to radically change the way they market.

Ways through which Digital Marketing can help you Grow your Business

With the change and evolution of modern technologies, most businesses are doing whatever they can to stay on top.

  • You Can Target A Specific Demographic
  • Reach a Bigger Audience and Expand
  • Cost-Effective and Efficient than traditional marketing, thus better ROI
  • Wide Range Of Mediums To Use
  • Builds Brand Recognition and Reputation through Data-Driven Campaigns
  • Delivers Conversion and Generate Better Revenues
  • Facilitates Interaction – Personal and Proper Engagement with Targeted Audiences

As we all know, there is no shortcut to success, but by implementing these growth strategies, you can get the best out of your business. Our objective is to help products, brands and businesses achieve their spot in the market. In online marketing, data and analytics play the main role. For this, we first dive deep into grasping the facets of your business and industry and then provide you with solutions. Digital marketing is constantly evolving and every business needs to keep up with the pace. Connect with us.